Friday 25 January 2013

Project 3 Evaluation

This project was definitely the hardest of the three, not only due to the new techniques used but also because, as helpful as the tutorial was, it is not complete and part 2 is missing or has not been uploaded to YouTube, nevertheless I eventually completed enough of it to make it suitable to submit for my course. As the tutorial ends early, many of the aspects of the project I had to look up and discover for myself.

The hardest part was the use of the mask tool, even though I have previously used it for my second project. It was exceptionally hard as there were so many parts of the project that had to use the tool in so many different ways. Eventually I figured it out after consulting some friends and researching on the internet.

This project also took longer as it had many different individual moving parts, such as the globe, the headlines etc...

I decided against sound in this project as I felt there would not be a sound or sounds suitable enough to add to this project. Unlike the first 2 projects where sound effects were used to add emphasis or fit the project, the news broadcast felt complete without it.

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